lundi 22 mars 2010

Let's go to Melbourne because...(mi mars 2010)

...We have a flight to take in April...

...But if we arrive in Melbourne, because the van stop in the road...Why, is that mouse the, just the alternator, but we stay 1 night in the garage...

After 10 days of
desert we need some vine tasting in the Barossa Valley...mmmmm!!!

And past the beautiful Murray River, we stop in the Grampian National park with is great mountains!

Anne playing with a lizard...

Geelong big city, but nice, with her beach, swimming pool, waterfront and hot shower...!!!

So, here we are, return to Melbourne, sell the Van "Txotx" and the surfboards!
Because 4th of April return to the trip around a world, starting in New Zealand!

1 commentaire:

  1. Comme toujours, ça fait plaisir d'avoir de vos nouvelles et de voir que tout se passe bein pour vous!!!
    Vous en avez de la chance!!!
    Alors, le 4 avril, départ pour la nouvelle Zélande? Bon ça!!!
    Et ensuite, petite escale chez Patrick?
    Bonne continuation dans votre fabuleux voyage!
    Je vous embrasse fort!!!
    Prenez soin de vous!
